
Here are some of the projects I’ve worked on over the years, mostly as part of graduate courses or during my free time.

Avoiding Collapses in Non-Contrastive SSL Methods

Investigated how recent non-contrastive self-supervised learning (SSL) methods prevent collapse and maximize representation information without negative pairs. Focused on architectural changes and loss regularizations enabling high information content in representations.

Neural Decoding from Primary Motor Cortex

Inductor Magnetic Energy Estimation Based on Surrogate Models

Explored ML/DL models as fast surrogates to approximate mappings made by Finite-Element Analysis (FEA) for evaluating inductor designs. Used a proprietary dataset of 100,000 samples to predict magnetic energy based on design topology, reducing evaluation time drastically.

Simulation and Optimization of Wood Drying through Deep Reinforcement Learning

Developed a simulator using OpenAI Gym and Simpy to optimize wood drying processes with a Deep-RL agent. Employed PPO with heuristic-guided reinforcement learning to improve resource allocation and demonstrated potential for industrial process optimization.

Neural Combinatorial Solver using Reinforcement Learning

Compared end-to-end neural solvers with traditional methods for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Focused on Weapon-Target Assignment (WTA) using a graph attention network and reinforcement learning to learn optimal policies minimizing destructive target values.

Critical Temperature Prediction for Superconducting Materials

Used deep neural networks to predict critical temperatures of superconductors based on features like atomic weights and entropy. Leveraged a dataset of 21,263 materials to map material properties to laboratory-measured critical temperatures.

Trade-offs Between Model-Free and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Methods

Explored trade-offs between model-free and model-based RL approaches, with a focus on implementing and understanding MuZero, highlighting its ability to combine planning and learning efficiently.

Theory Behind ML Models + Code Implementations

Created an 80-page document summarizing machine learning models with theoretical explanations and Python code implementations. Compiled from 20 books and various papers, it also served as a learning resource for friends.